Tenderstem® broccoli, Stilton and Prosciutto Tart
Blind bake a shortcrust pastry case in a 25cm tin at 180ºC for 15 mins or until just golden brown.
Once removed from the oven, line the base of cooled pastry case with Tenderstem® broccoli, like the spokes of a bicycle, until covered.
Beat 5 eggs and add 3 crushed garlic cloves and pour over the Tenderstem® broccoli.
Tear up the prosciutto and blue cheese and add to the tart.
Finish with a sprinkle with pine nuts and some cracked black pepper.
Bake in a 160ºC oven for 30min or until set.
More ways to cook Tenderstem®
Nutrition analysis of recipes featured on the Tenderstem® broccoli website is calculated by a registered dietitian using McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods, Seventh Edition, but may vary slightly depending on the specific ingredients used. Analyses do not include optional ingredients or suggested accompaniments unless specific amounts are given. If there is a range in the amount of an ingredient, the smaller amount is used. When a recipe lists a choice of ingredients, the first is used.